Error Microsoft Odbc Sql Server Driver Query Timeout Expired

Oct 03, 2017 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout. Crashes with the timeout message [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired. [ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired. Remote query timeout value. Hang for 30 seconds and have the Error [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]. S1T00: [Microsoft][ODBC. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired. Put the Solomon databases on a SQL server with more resources and the query time.

Please start any new threads on our new site. We've got lots of great SQL Server experts to answer whatever question you can come up with. Our new are live!

Come on over! We've restricted the ability to create new threads on these forums. SQL Server Forums Username: Password: Save Password [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired Author Topic Starting Member 5 Posts Posted -: 13:32:18 Hello everyone, Right i've spent 5 days trying to figure out why this problem is happening without success so any help here is much appreciated. The Database / Server / Network We are running a fairly small database which is about 400mb in size. The server is SBS2008 with SQL Server 2008 and exchange (6 mailboxes) on it. The server is an I7 920 with 16GB of DDR3 Ram which is ultilised at only 70% during busy times while the CPU is being use at 20% at busy times.

Odbc Sql Server Driver Error

1.5TB of storage space in a 4 Drive 500gb RAID5 setup. All clients are running on Gigabit LAN (with Gigabit switch, ect) and are running AMD 9650 Quad Cores with 2GB DDR2 Ram. The Problem Everything on the server works perfectly, the hardware is a little over a year old and has been running great.

In-fact everything works and has been working great up until 6 days ago. Basically, when the user on the database application prints an invoice, and the query is run to fetch the invoice information, the machine will Hang for 30 seconds and have the Error [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired. This is intermitent however as sometimes it can print within 20 seconds and print the invoice fine. 9/10 attempts however will see the error and a blank invoice printed. Everything else works with the application including some more complex and demanding queries regarding a delivery scheduler.

As400 Tutorial For Beginners Pdf Creator. I can access the server directly and log in fine and when i test the query in the query browser it runs in 0.329 seconds. So why the timeout / problem?! What have i tried -Checked Even Viewer for any issues.

Particular After Effects Cs6 Update here. -Increasing SQL priority -Checking the RAID5 Integrity -Upgrading the RAM -Restarting the services / server / router / switch -Trying with only one connected user (and not the busy 12 connected users during the day). -Increasing Remote query timeout value (its now set to 0, hence unlimited). -Increasing the Remote Login Timeout to 60 seconds.

-Increasing the Connection-string timeout for designer to 60 seconds. -Restarting the server / sql server again Any ideas? This is giving me a massive headake not only from users pestering me but from trying to find a solution. Thanks, Rob1988 Edited by - Rob1988 on 13:35:02 Flowing Fount of Yak Knowledge United Kingdom 3385 Posts Posted -: 13:49:16 Have you looked at the database interaction. When it succeeds is it taking 20 secs to get a result from the server or is most of the time printing. It sounds like it could be that it sometimes takes over 30 secs to get a result and times out. Maybe you just have more data and it's taking longer and has now reached a threshold where it fails sometimes - will probably get worse.

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