Get Bigger Bicep

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MUSCLED ONLINE — A new dietary supplement containing a pair of specialized fatty acid 'growth factors' is the hottest thing going in amateur athletics — but not without controversy. Critics say the compounds — cis-9, tr11 conjugated linioleic acid and phosphatidylserine (Ps) provided in the controversial, new supplement — gives athletes an 'unfair advantage' and their use should be prohibited by athletes.

Proponents argue research shows the compounds to be both safe and effective and that banning the natural compounds is like trying to prohibit athletes from consuming creatine, which is also isolated from natural sources. Desk Space Full here. One thing people on both sides can agree on is the controversial, new supplement works. Davey Suicide Firefox.

According to a recent study published in the journal Medicine & Science & Sports and Medicine, novice weight trainers who took these compounds for seven weeks experienced a 6 00% increase in lean muscle growth, including a 9-fold increase in biceps girth. Another study published in the same journal found that in weight-training athletes, these growth-factors increased overall muscle strength by 202 percent within just 6 weeks — with zero side effects. Fair Game or Unfair Advantage?

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