Gsa Abstracts With Program Programs For Troubled

Journal Articles, Reports, and Book Chapters Drew, L.J., Grunsky, E.C., Sutphin, D.M., and Woodruff, L. Panasonic Th-p50g10a Manual there. G., 2010, Multivariate analysis of the geochemistry and mineralogy of soils along two continental-scale transects in North America: Science of the Total Environment, 409(1), pp. Ellefsen, K.J, and Smith, D.B., 2016, User's guide for GcClust—An R package for clustering of regional geochemical data: U.S.

Gsa Abstracts With Programs

Geological Survey report Techniques and Methods 7–C13, 21 p.,. Ellefsen, K.J., Smith, D.B., and Horton, J.D., 2014, A modified procedure for mixture-model clustering of regional geochemical data: Applied Geochemistry, 51, p. Gray, J.E., 2006, Evaluation of Trends of Mercury Deposition in Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, Idaho, using Reservoir Sediment Cores: U.S.

6 Easterbrook, D.J., 2005, Causes and effects of abrupt, global, climate changes and global warming: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v.

Geological Survey Administrative Report. Gray, J.E., Fey, D.L., Holmes, C.W., and Lasorsa, B.K., 2005, Historical deposition and fluxes of mercury in Narraguinnep Reservoir, southwestern Colorado, USA: Applied Geochemistry, 20(1), p.

Gray, J.E., and Hines, M.E., 2009, Biogeochemical mercury methylation influenced by reservoir eutrophication, Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, Idaho, USA: Chemical Geology, 258(3-4), p. Gray, J.E., Hines, M.E., Goldstein, H.L., and Reynolds, R.L., 2014, Mercury deposition and methylmercury formation in Narraguinnep Reservoir, southwestern Colorado, USA: Applied Geochemistry, 50, p.

Gray, J.E., Hines, M.E., Krabbenhoft, D.P., and Thoms, B., 2012, Methylation of Hg downstream from the Bonanza Hg mine, Oregon: Applied Geochemistry, 27(1), p. Gray, J.E., Rimondi, V., Costagliola, P., Vaselli, O., and Lattanzi, P., 2014, Long-distance transport of Hg, Sb, and As from a mined area, conversion of Hg to methyl-Hg, and uptake of Hg by fish on the Tiber River basin, west-central Italy: Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 36(1), p. Gray, J.E., Theodorakos, P.M., Fey, D.L., and Krabbenhoft, D.P., 2015, Mercury concentrations and distribution in soil, water, mine waste leachates, and air in and around mercury mines in the Big Bend region, Texas, USA: Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 37(1), p. Griffin, D.W., Silvestri, E.E., Bowling, C.Y., Boe, T., Smith, D.B., and Nichols, T.L., 2014, Anthrax and the Geochemistry of Soils in the Contiguous United States: Geosciences, 4(3), p.

Grunsky, E.C., Drew, L.J., Woodruff, L.G., Friske, P.W.B., and Sutphin, D.M., 2013, Statistical variability of the geochemistry and mineralogy of soils in the Maritime Provinces of Canada and part of the Northeast United States: Geochemistry, Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 13(4), p. Reimann, C., Englmaier, P., Fabian, K., Gough, L., Lamothe, P., and Smith, D., 2015, Biogeochemical plant–soil interaction: Variable element composition in leaves of four plant species collected along a south–north transect at the southern tip of Norway: Science of the Total Environment, 506-507, p.

Reimann, C., Smith, D.B., Woodruff, L.G., and Flem, B., 2011, Pb-concentrations and Pb-isotope ratios in soils collected along an east–west transect across the United States: Applied Geochemistry, 26(9-10), p. Airco Temescal Cv-8 Manual more. Rimondi, V., Bardelli, F., Benvenuti, M., Costagliola, P., Gray, J.E., and Lattanzi, P., 2014, Mercury speciation in the Mt. Amiata mining district (Italy): Interplay between urban activities and mercury contamination: Chemical Geology, 380, p. Rimondi, V., Chiarantini, L., Lattanzi, P., Benvenuti, M., beutel, M., Colica, A., Costagliola, P., Benedetto, F.D., Gabbani, G., Gray, J.E., Pandelil, E., Pattellil, G., Paolieri, M., and Ruggieri, G., 2015, Metallogeny, exploitation and environmental impact of the Mt.

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