Handbook Of Vastu By B Niranjan Babu

Vastu Shastra - Niranjan Babu Bangalore and Vedic Astrology - B V Raman - Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabhad, Mumbai, Cochin & Kolkatta. Handbook of Vastu Foreword by Dr. Raman It is with pleasure that I am writing the following words by way of a foreword to my son B. Niranjan Baby's work Handbook of Vastu. In Sanskrit Vastu ordinarily means a dwelling house. It also denotes the lot of land over which a dwelling house is built. Silpa Sastras and astrological woks deal with this subject exhaustively.

Niranjan Baby has made a careful study of most of the extant classical literature and appears to have a firm grip on the subject. It is necessary that houses, factories, hotels, etc. Be constructed according to Vastu so that destructive vibrations emanating from Nature due to the materials used are screened off. The book takes the reader in a graduated form through the essentials of Vastu and its practical application.

Handbook Of Vastu By B Niranjan Babu

Handbook of Vastu by Niranjan B. Babu (2000-12-10) on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Handbook of Vastu by B. Niranjan Babu. Spend some quiete time each day as your 'appointment with God'. Just close the door, disconnect the phone, close your eyes. HANDBOOK OF ~r. B., Niranj~n Babu is available for consultation and advise wIth prIor appomtment at the following address: VASTU (Revised and Enlarged). Vastu Handbook - Download as PDF File. HANDBOOK OF VASTU. Way of a foreword to my son B. Niranjan Babu's work Handbook of Vastu.

Several diagrams are given to enable one to put to practical use, the principles of Vastu. The author has already made his mark in the field of Vastu and bids to hold his own in the future. I am lad to say that this work has been done with considerable skill and ability.

Today, the market is being flooded with several books on the Subject; but the present one fulfils a long-felt want for its clarity and style of presentation. I bid my son God - speed in his efforts to propagate and promote Vastu for the good of all those who are interested in it. Get it from [] [].

Bangalore Venkata Raman

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