Install Wood Fence Over Chain Link

When it comes to the battle between wood versus chain link fences, if you’re looking for privacy, wood wins hands-down. Do costs dictate which material you’ll use? Chain link definitely beats wood in this area, coming in at nearly half the price than its lumber counterpart. • 1.Chain Link Fence Costs Any material you decide to use is tied to the market value of the raw materials. In the case of chain link fences, what is the current price for stainless steel? If we were to freeze this moment in time, chain link is going for about.

Etabs 2013 Activation%0 - Software 2017. • 2.Wood Fence Costs Pressure-treated woods or materials like cedar will more than double the cost quoted for chain link. Pressure-treated woods or materials like cedar will more than double the cost quoted for chain link. You’re paying roughly for a lumber solution. Another consideration is aesthetic, you’re probably going to want to stain or paint the raw materials. That will add a few hundred additional dollars and hours-upon-hours of more work to the project. Considering the same 500 linear feet need to be covered, factoring in the final finishes, you’re looking at shelling out nearly $6,000.

Install Wood Fence Over Chain LinkLowes Install Chain Link Fence
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