Mega Database 2011

Mega Database 2011

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S3 Bucket List Files on this page. The exclusive annotated database. Contains more than 5.7 millions games from 1560 to 2013 in the highest ChessBase quality standard. 67,500 games contain commentary from top players, with ChessBase opening classification with more than 100,000 key positions, direct access to players, tournaments, middlegame themes, endgames. The largest topclass annotated database in the world.

Mega Database 2014.40:-= Another mirror for the convenience of downloading and connectivity:Mega Database 2014.40 620 MB in the archive, 1.36 GB unpacked. Records Center Database Drywell UST/LUST Waste Programs Hazardous Waste (Accounts). - Solid Waste Programs Database Results No.

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