Sims 3 Create A World Unable To Load File

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Sims 3 Create A World Unable To Load File

I installed a world from the Sims 3 Store but it’s not in game. I purchased and installed [Monte Vista, Riverview, Barnacle Bay, Hidden Springs, Lucky Palms, Lunar Lakes, Sunlit Tides, Dragon Valley] from the Sims 3 Store, but when I start the game, the world isn’t in the world menu. This is, unfortunately, not an uncommon problem. In fact, I experienced this exact issue myself about 2 years ago, when I purchased Barnacle Bay (has it really been that long?). Here are some things you can try to fix the issue.

Try them out in the order suggested, as the last suggestion is somewhat drastic and will require you to re-install all of your store items. Before you begin First make sure your game is updated to patch 1.50. Then, back up your content. Go to Documents Electronic Arts 2. Select The Sims 3 folder and right-click. Choose Send to >Compressed (zipped) folder This is a back up of your content.

If something goes wrong, you can delete your current Sims 3 folder and unzip the zipped folder to start over. Option 1: Using the Downloads Dashboard in the Sims 3 This is a popular solution that many people use successfully. It also requires the least fiddling with folders and files, so if it works for you, it’s quick and painless.

Start your Sims 3 game. At the Main Menu, click on button to get to the options menu. Select “Open Downloads Dashboard.” You may need to log in if you are not normally logged in. Find the world in the Downloads Dashboard and install it that way. If the world shows as already installed in the downloads dashboard, close the game, uninstall the world via the Launcher, and then start from Step 1 again.

If this doesn’t help, you can try the rest of the options. Option 2: Cleaning out the DCBackup 1. Uninstall the world if it’s currently installed (try this if you have trouble uninstalling: ). Delete everything in your DCBackup, even the ccmerged. Re-download and install the world. Go to the DCBackup and delete the ccmerged.package.

Download the ccmerged.package from here: 6. Unzip this ccmerged.package to your DCBackup. Start your game and see if your world is installed. This should: 1. Install the world you’re having trouble with and 2.

Fix any issues you have with any premium content in your game (including premium content included with the world) If this doesn’t work, go to Option 3. Option 3: Getting file yourself Most people have success with this option, so it is highly recommended. Note: This option assumes you currently have the world installed (though you can’t see it in the world list.

The rest of the objects should be in build/buy mode). If you do not, install the Sims3pack for the world through the launcher. Go to Documents Electronic Arts and re-name your The Sims 3 folder to The Sims 3.old 2. Start The Sims 3 Launcher.

Re-download the trouble world. Install the world. Optional Step: Start your game and confirm that the world is installed and in the menu. Then exit the game. Close the Launcher. Go to Documents Electronic Arts The Sims 3 InstalledWorlds and find file for the world you installed.

Move this file to your desktop. Go to Documents Electronic Arts and delete The Sims 3 folder. Re-name The Sims 3.old folder to The Sims 3 10. Go to the InstalledWorlds folder in The Sims 3 folder and move file you placed on your desktop to the InstalledWorlds folder. Start your game and see if the world is in the menu. If it is, start a new game and make sure all new objects associated with the world are present.

If they are not, simply re-install the sims3pack. Option 4: Absolute Last Resort If none of these options have worked for you, and you’re out of ideas and suggestions, the only other option left is to start a brand new Sims 3 folder and re-install all of your store content. Again, this is an absolute last resort. To do this: 1. Go Documents Electronic Arts and re-name The Sims 3 folder to The Sims 3.old 2. Start your Sims 3 Launcher.

Install the world and launch the game to make sure the world is properly installed. If it is installed, re-install all of your content. You can move your Mods, Library, SavedSims, and Collections folders back into the new folder to get some of your content back easily. You can also move the following files back into the new The Sims 3 folder (from the old one): Options.ini (stores game options such as life span sliders, weather, etc.), userPresets.package (contains CAST saves)..

About 2 years ago, I had this exact problem with my own Barnacle Bay, and it was very frustrating. The way I solved the issue back then was with Option 4. But back then, I didn’t know enough to try out Option 2 and Option 3 first. Hopefully you won’t need Option 4. Nona, I have a problem, and I have tried each of these methods, and none seem to work. I got the Monte Vista package for the Sims3 the other day. While attempting to install it, my computer froze.

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