Windows 7 Hh.exe

Windows 7 .exe

Download DLL Tool to view hh.exe application information. The file hh.exe is used to run for process BitLockerToGo.exe and HelpPane.exe, and support device drivers in computer NEC. The process hh.exe was published at 7/13/2009 5:29:03 PM, and has location C: Windows System32. Overview of Hh.exe What Is Hh.exe? Hh.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Windows XP developed by Microsoft for the Windows Operating System.

I'm wondering what you mean by 'read those extensions' with regard to these files. CSV - Comma Separated Values. I'm guessing you don't have Office installed, or you would find that Excel seems to be the 'MS official viewer'. CHM - Compiled HTML help format. What is it you can't do with these files?

I find they open just fine with Windows 7, via C: Windows hh.exe. HTM - HTML format. Of course this is Internet Explorer's territory, and every Windows system can display an HTM file in Internet Explorer. Clearly I don't understand your question, as the way I'm interpreting it you can't read the above file types in Windows 7. You mention 'native MS APIs'. Are you looking to interpret these files during a read into your own program then?

Clearly I don't understand your question, as the way I'm interpreting it you can't read the above file types in Windows 7. You mention 'native MS APIs'.

Are you looking to interpret these files during a read into your own program then? Thanks for the pointers. As far as reading csv's, yest I need to read tham into my program and I have done it many times (it is elementary) but I also need to examine the files visually quite often to determine how to code field reading. I don 't have Office isntalled.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. At bootup I am getting the error: 'Can't Find hh.exe.' This just started after a Windows Update. I can't find anything on how.

I have no need for it in my machiens. I have enough software as it is and adding something I will never or only seldom use is problematic. Hh.exe - I do have it in C: Windows and other folders but IT DOES NOT RUN. It simply does not. I don't know what the issue is, it simply does not. I also have this file in my Win Server directory: H: Windows winsxs wow64_microsoft-windows-htmlhelp_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_2ec93c88717aae45 Well, when I tried to open it with a click on the file I got an error message that the file cannot be opened because of improper command line. So, I went to the directory with cmd prompt and ran it. C&c 3 Tiberium Wars.

Incredibly a GUI of sorts showed up which was in fact the Windows Explorer. I navigated to the file I needed to open and clicked on it. It 'opened' the chm file and I observed what I have seen many times before without your hh.exe. Only headings are seen but no text under the trees. Thus I am back to square one. AlexB - Win_7 Pro64, SqlSer64 WinSer64.

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