Disable Cd Writer Vista

How to Enable or Disable the Vista Built-in CD and DVD Burning Features This will allow you to enable or disable the Vista Explorer built-in CD and DVD. When click on CD writer or DVD writer drive icon or letter in Windows Vista, the optical drive disc tray will automatically eject or open, for users to put in [].

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How To Enable Or Disable CD Burning Feature In Windows 10:- Let’s say you are the IT admin of a school and you don’t want the kids to bring in CDs or DVDs to copy the game setups from school’s computer systems. 6 3 Keygen Qnx Automotive on this page. You definitely would be pleased if you could just disable the CD/DVD burning feature in Windows, wouldn’t you be? There definitely is a quick solution for this little issue. Since the trick involves changing the registry entries, it is highly recommended that you create a system restore point before going ahead with the following steps.

You can refer to our article on the topic How To. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started, shall we? Note: If any third party CD burning software are installed in the system, then this trick might not work for them. Solution 1 – By Making Changes To Registry Editor STEP 1 • Press Win+R keys together to open the Run dialog box. When it does, type in regedit and hit enter key.

STEP 2 • When the Registry Editor window opens up, navigate to the following path. Do make sure the path you have navigated to is correct. HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->Software-->Microsoft-->Windows-->CurrentVersion-->Policies-->Explorer • Highlight the Explorer key as shown in the screenshot by clicking on it. Now in the right window pane, look for a value by the name NoCDBurning. If you can’t find one by that name, right click on an empty space in the right window pane, click on New and then on DWORD (32-bit) Value.

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