Stunts Dos Manual

Mobygames Scanner Internet Archive Python library 0. You need the Manual in Order to play the Game because it asks for. Copy protection system. Stunts and 4D Sports Driving include a form of copy protection which is. Player must enter a specific word from game manual before. Also available on: Amiga. Download Stunts. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual.

Stunts Dos ThemeBroderbund

Stunts (DOS) High Speed Crash - Duration: 1:28. NelizMastr - Tech for PC & Mac 24,870 views. MicroProse - Grand Prix 2 - 1995 - Duration: 10:00.

4D Sports Driving - Manual INTRODUCTION Welcome to the proving ground. This is the place where you can really feel the difference between good cars and the world's finest cars; where 55 isn't the limit, it's just getting started; where every driver wants a 'cherry,' and 'lemons' don't even get to play. And it's no place for a driver who's too timid to get it up to 100 MPH on the loop, afraid to take the pipe upside down, or scared of a little 'friendly' competition. The 'Stunts' proving ground has two features that make it like no other in the world. It can be built almost any way you want it. And each track can be filled with fun, exciting and destructive stunts that can smash your car to pieces in a matter of seconds.

So if you want to take a car around the track, you have to have the guts to get up to speed and the restraint to keep from going over the edge. Don't forget to buckle up. BEGINNING PLAY See the included reference card to find out about how to load the game onto your hard disk, or how to play from floppy disks.

(Reference Card at the end of this textfile - [RYGAR].) Your Reference Card will also include information on how to control your car, as well as the conventions of using the keyboard, mouse or joystick throughout the game. Once you are on the main screen, you can begin driving immediately on the standard track by clicking on the car in the center of the screen. To select a new track, or create your own, select the sign labeled 'Track,' then see page 13 for instructions on how to use the Track Editor. If you'd like to change the car you're driving, select the sign labeled 'Auto,' then see page 7 for descriptions of your possible car selections.

If you'd like to race against an opponent, rather than race against the clock, select the sign labeled 'Opponents,' then see page 12 for descriptions of your competition. Choose 'Option' to return to DOS or to see a list of options available throughout the game. See the Reference Card for more information about these options, which include setting the graphic level/animation rate, changing background scenery and loading replays, along with sound and input settings. DRIVING THE COURSE DRIVING TIME ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each track has its own 'Best Times' listing, found on the track selection screen. Your goal is to be on it. Your real goal is to be on the top of it. Of course, you'll have to finish the course to even have a time.

The 'Best Times' list will show your name, the car you drove to achieve your time, the opponent you raced (if any), and the time it took you to complete the course (including penalty time, if any). Some tracks will have forks in the road, giving you choices of how to complete the track. Be forewarned that not all fork paths lead to the end of the race; you might do well to preview a track before racing it (see page 13 under 'Track Editor'). In addition, previewing might give you a better idea of what kind of car is best suited to the track. You'll find that some paths of the trackmight be shorter than others, but the difficulty of stunts along those paths may make them more time consuming than they look, as well as more dangerous. Ways to improve your best time include trying different cars on each path, as well as different paths through each track. PENALTY TIME ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those drivers inclined to improve their times by skipping stunts should take note- the track knows who cheats.

After each race, you'll be assesses 'Penalty Time' for those portions of track (including stunts) which you missed. You're allowed to swerve off the track now and then, but missing wholesale lengths of tracks or entire stunts will cost you dearly. TIPS FOR A FASTER TIME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The amount of penalty time you accrue will depend on several factors. Missing a jump or corkskrew will cost you more penalty time than missing three pieces of regular track. Forest Canopy Density Mapping Software there. If you stray off the track, you'll see arrows directing you back onto the track in the proper direction.

If you get on the track going in the wrong direction, you'll be told that you're driving the wrong way. You'll only be assigned penalty time when you begin driving on the track again. You may stray off the track and inadvertently cross other pieces without penalty. Become familiar with the handling of your car. Each vehicle has a different ability to grip the road, and a different point in turning at which it will spin out. Know that line.

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