Download Concurrent Program Execution Method Sql Plus

Acronis Disk Director Bootable Media. Concurrent Programs Window. Method The execution method your concurrent program uses appears here. Your concurrent program is a SQL*Plus or PL/SQL script. Concurrent Program Executable Window. The execution file is a SQL*Plus script. Unless the execution method is PL/SQL stored procedure or Request Set Stage.

Download Concurrent Program Execution Method Sql Plus

Concurrent Request Details Concurrent request details (this sql prompts for request_id) column traceid format a8 column tracename format a80 column user_concurrent_program_name format a40 column execname format a15 column enable_trace format a12 set lines 100 set pages 22 set head off SELECT '**************************************************************************************** Request id: ' request_id, 'Trace id: ' oracle_Process_id, 'Trace Flag: ' req.enable_trace, 'Trace Name:' dest.value '/' lower(dbnm.value) '_ora_' oracle_process_id '.trc', 'Prog.

The creation of the Concurrent Request needs to be performed from System Administrator responsibility, this will be a one time task. Once installed the end user will have the ability to execute the script without the need of SQL access or the password for the Applications Owner user. The purpose of this script is to collect information related to a sales order, its shipment lines and workflow status. Creation of the Concurrent Request: 1. Locate the file ONTomse12.sql on $ONT_TOP/sql 1.1 Login to the server 1.2 Change directory to the file location(Where the file down loaded) 1.3 Copy file ONTomse12.sql to $ONT_TOP/sql directory 1.4 Unix permissions 644 (rw-r--r--) will be enough. Note: If the file(ONTomse12.sql) present in $ONT_TOP/sql directory then this step can be ignored. If not, download the file using below link and follow above steps.

Fsx Cls 767 Rapidshare on this page. Create the Concurrent request definition.

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