Personal Website Templates Html5 With Css3 Tutorial

Really nice tutorial, people need to see how easy it is to build with html5 today. A couple of thing that did bother me though in your markup. • You use a section as a page wrapper, it would be better to use a div as the wrapper is only presentation and has no meaning in itself. • Your header H1 and H3 could be wrapped in a hgroup • Not sure about your use of figure as your image are mostly presentational and can't be use outside of the content in a meaningful way, at least that's what I think the doc implies « The figure element represents some flow content, optionally with a caption, which can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the document’s meaning » but I might be wrong altogether.

Thank you for the comments fellas! @ Stephane You are absolutely right about the hgroup. Thank you for pointing that out! I updated the demo and the zip. You may be right for the outermost section. I am going to leave it like this for now. I am not sure about the figure either.

Free Website Templates Html5

More Personal Website Templates Html5 With Css3 Tutorial videos. Personal Website Templates Free Download Html5 With Css3 Tutorial. HTML5 CSS3 Website Templates are. Mobile website templates. Free Personal Use Mobile Website.

The definition is somewhat too general. It all depends on what you consider 'main flow of the document'. You could enclose it in the first paragraph of the article description, but it is supposed be illustrative for the whole article section.

Time Tech F10 Software Programs. Guess HTML5 finally turned code into poetry. Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Crack Free. Lets hope that search engines are good at literature. @Martin Angelov Yes, Figure is too general right now, I use it more like something you could find in a book/dictionary, something that has meaning in itself and can be detach from the flow and still be useful. That's what I do right now but I already did a couple of html5 site where I didn't think of figure that way. I really like how HTML 5 make for more semantic code but right now I still find that I spend too much time thinking of how to best mark-up my content. I'm constantly changing the way I'm doing things, still learning.

@Martin Angelo First off I love this blog/site. It's one of my favourite feeds. I don't think it's the outermost section that is the problem as that one seems to me to be the correct way to use section. I believe the problem is wrapping the 'main' content in a section seems to be a superfluous use of section or at least that is what I read at HTML5-Doctor () I also would like to note that am pretty sure that the hr tag is consistently style-able in all the current versions of the major browsers; just not the previous versions of some of them (opera and ie). So I understand not using it in a production environment but I like styling hrs now that it looks good in all the browsers. Thanks for the great template/info.

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