Installshield Limited Edition Custom Actions

Installshield Limited Edition Custom ActionsInstallshield Limited Edition Tutorial 2015

I am useing InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio 2010 to create an installer, and I am trying to add an executable custom action. My custom action in an. I used to add custom action in setup. How to add custom action with parameters in InstallShield limited. How to do this using InstallShield limited edition?

Adding a VBScript or JScript Custom Action to Your Project Adding a VBScript or JScript Custom Action to Your Project InstallShield 2015 Express Edition The items in the Custom Actions view are organized by chronological order, according to when they are launched during installation, maintenance, or uninstallation. When you add a custom action to your project, you specify when the custom action should be launched by adding the action to the appropriate installation, maintenance, or uninstallation item. To add a VBScript or JScript custom action to your project: 1. In the View List under Define Setup Requirements and Actions, click Custom Actions.

In the Custom Actions During Installation explorer, the Custom Actions During Maintenance explorer, or the Custom Actions During Uninstallation explorer, click the item that should contain the custom action that you want to create. Right-click the item and click New VBScript or New JScript. InstallShield adds a new custom action with the name NewCustomAction n (where n is a successive number). Type a name for the custom action. Configure the settings for the custom action. See Also InstallShield 2015 Express Edition Help Library June 2015 Copyright Information Contact Us.

I've managed this in Wix but my colleague wants to replicate it in Installshield 2013 Express. We have found the 'custom actions' section in Installshield but we cannot see where we can make it run after Installfinalize, it needs to come after copyfiles AND have Execute='immediate'. Cash Register Programs. All of the options after copyfiles have Execute='Deferred'. In Wix I have a VBScript which reads the MSI Session.Property('OriginalDatabase') and then uses this to write to some config files which are installed by the MSI. The point being that if we rename the MSI then the config is adjusted to reflect the MSI filename. I would have posted a screenshot of the IS custom actions UI but I need '10 reputation' to post images - So the link to the image is. Two possibilities here. Jr G410t Gyro Manual.

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