Tellmewhen Setup Shadow Priest

Tellmewhen Setup Shadow PriestTellmewhen Setup Shadow Priest

More Tellmewhen Setup Shadow Priest videos. Here’s my latest attempt at Shadow Priest. VIDEO: TALENTS. And 100ms speeds for button presses and nothing ever activates the action bar 3 macro you have setup.

Aug 19, 2016 This is set up to work with any talent setup so. There is also a link to the addon TellMeWhen. The only other comment/question I have as a new shadow priest. Priest TellMeWhen Profile - Patch 7. Telecharger Driver Carte Son Windows Xp Sweet. 1 w/Download Chesder Man. Shadow Priest Single Target 250k-300k DPS Tips (WoW Legion PvE Tips).

Only thing I would suggest is maybe something that accounts for cd's on mind blast, shadow bolt, and SW: D by substituting dispersion (and later the one ability we get from the artifact). Vodafone Database File. I say this because both dispersion and the artifact ability halts our insanity drop while still giving us the stacking haste buff. While not optimal I find even without the inclusion of SW: D just using dispersion at the right time gets me from about 45 stacks to close to 60+ if used appropriately. And if you aren't surrendering to madness, dispersion and the artifact do help at insanely providing a big burst of haste that will easily get you through to the next void form.

Long live insanity.

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